Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Out Of My Mind...

...the remixed, live tracked version of Pharrell Williams' "In My Mind", produced by the one and only ?uestlove

bit of old news tbf, but the tracks have been completely dismissed, and not really heard of or talked about and as the album never actually got released (but was so close) due to funding issues and sales predictions, it would have been a seriously revolutionary marketing move and artistic re-invention of the albums keyboard orientated sound Pharrell got wrapped up in.

?uestlove was given only 2 weeks to flip all 14 tracks with the use of live instruments through Pharrells own backing group, which includes ?uestlove rightfully named the Yessirs, and these were some rude boy results...

my personal favourite....listen to them drums.....

anyway, check the youtube links for more.

would have loved to cop that album
fuckin industry

peace x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i got it!
tis a deep album