Wednesday 4 February 2009

Carnatic Warfare!

These pictures don't detail the absolute crazyness of the situation because i had to run inside to abandon my camera and pick up some flippin' gloves. These were taken at the start of the evening, just before the masses gathered and full combat broke-out, so i didn't get a chance to get many shots. Coming back out again was madness and there were people everywhere just going crazy. Dinner trays had been stolen from the canteen for shields and all sorts of snow-related things were happening. I turned on the Swedish traits and murked many a mans! :) It lasted for about 2hours and was jokes! Until some waste liverpudlian chavs came onto our grounds and started causing trouble. Ohh well, was a sick sick night.

It's almost all gone up here now..
bring back the snow for round two! :)


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