Thursday 6 November 2008

Bon[no]fire Night.

Heat from the fireworks, not fire (as there was none)??!!
Heat from Soweto Kinch, not Sway (as he was rude and rubbish)??!!

To sum up, Alma de Cuba is a huge venue. (Winner of UK's Best Venue In 2008)
Hit it up if you are in Liverpool.

The night in pictures..

Both did it on minimal Ps and got a free mixtape CD from Sway so all in all twas a good night.

Hold tight Soweto reppin' birms harder than Expert level on Guitar Hero.




i am rk. said...

no it's not brad.
why you say that??

Shriglè said...

lmao i wana know what brad said for his comment get deleted!, also hld tight dj turkish on the decks

i am rk. said...

it's nothing shirgs so don't panic.

i am rk. said...

ohh yeah, and dj turkish was using cd decks.
how weak man.

Shriglè said...

o ok well thats no good ill tell him to use vinal next time