Saturday 2 May 2009

Snatch Wars

Not too much to say about this, stumbled upon it a few weeks ago and had quite a few conversations about it so decided it should be blogged
simple yet so effective


Anonymous said...

this is v funny. personal favourite the intercom bit

ProphetNine said...

Haha, this video is a true great!

''Gimme tha fackin shoota''

''Good, go put the kettle on''

''Yes my Lord''


azza said...

"Lord Vader"

"Who the fucks talking to you boy"

"No transmissions were made, an escape pod was jetesend(?) during the fighting, no life forms were aboard"

"Your on thin fucking ice my pedigree chums, and i shall be under it when it breaks"

*Dramatic pause*

"Now fuck off."
