Thursday 23 October 2008

Chan-wook Park's Oldboy

Oldboy is the best revenge film i belive to be out, directed by Chan-wook Park, the only other film of his i've seen is
"i'm a cybored but thats ok",

which is a totaly different film to this but ok. After watching it for the 4th time last night i decided to post it. If you havent seen it but enjoy american action revenge films then this will show you why there wack. Be warned if you dont enjoy subtitles you will have to read them to understand the plot, however there is some of the best action scenes to be enjoyed! The basic outline is shown in the trailor however the plot may be to crazy for some viewers!.

Ignore the American dubbing thats just rude to dub. Chan-wook Park has a new film called "thirst" out soon should be mahhasive.


Anonymous said...

big film

cud watch it 10 times and it wudnt get old

but serious wot is with the american dubs?
and im sure the music has been changed, sounds like they tweaked it up to make it shitter

Anonymous said...

lol i duno them americans always tryin ruin something or make it there own psht!

1minutefilmreview said...

Nice. We're Park Chan-Wook fans too.