Wednesday 22 October 2008


...'s Witnesses came to my door today, I havent seen one of these dudes in a good few years, i thought they'd quit to be honest.
I thought they were going to keep me talking for hours so i started to think of a good excuse to get away but instead they gave me a leaflet entitled 'would you like to know the truth?' and were on their way.
I personally dont believe in any sort of religion, i have my reasons for this however i see others points of view and respect them. For some reason when i get these things i always read them, they never convert me but reading a few paragraphs never hurt anyone, right?
To the point of my story, after reading the leaflet i realised that this leaflet didnt answer or prove anything. There are 6 'frequently asked' questions on the front relating to why people should believe in God and/or this religion and the answer to 5 of them were (not in these words) 'wait, God will eventually fix it'. To me this makes no sense, an all poweful being, he can fix all, he just doesnt want to do it yet. Thats the equivelant of someone saying 'I can do a backflip, but im not showing you'.
The leaflet didnt convert me and i doubt that it will convert anyone else, i think they need some stronger points.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

even the bible poses more questions than it answers, but people still believe